
Tip: When using PowerShell with the standalone executable, you may need to replace UEVaultManager with .\UEVaultManager in the commands below.


To use UEVaultManager, first install it using pip:

pip install UEVaultManager

log in

UEVaultManager auth

If the pywebview package is installed (that is done by the installation process), this should open a new window with the Epic Login.

Otherwise, authentication is a little finicky since we have to go through the Epic website and manually copy a code. The login page should open in your browser and after login you should be presented with a JSON response that contains a code (authorizationCode), just copy the code into the terminal and hit enter.

Alternatively you can use the –import flag to import the authentication from the Epic Games Launcher

Note that this will log you out of the Epic Launcher.

Listing your asset

UEVaultManager list

This will fetch a list of asset available on your account (only the assets you OWNED), the first time may take a while depending on how many asset you have.

Saving the list into a CSV file

UEVaultManager list -o "D:/ue_asset_list.csv"

You can manually edit some data in this file And you can update the data extrated from the Marketplace (new version, new release, desciption update…) by running the same command again. The changes you made manually will be preserved, depending on what fields (aka. columns) has been changed (see Output Format and file section).

Editing the list with the new GUI (since 1.6.0)

UEVaultManager edit -i "D:/ue_asset_list.csv"

For more details, please read the The (new) Gui section.

Scraping all the asset from the marketplace and store them in a database file (since 1.8.0)

UEVaultManager scrap

Editing the database content with the new GUI (since 1.8.0)

UEVaultManager edit -db "D:/scraping/assets.db"

Note that the folder D:/scraping is set in <config folder>/config_gui.ini. By default this folder is located in the application installation folder (<python folder>/Lib/site-packages/UEVaultManager).