
Config folder

Configuration file, log files and results files are stored by default in data folders in the user home directory.

The location is:

  • for Linux: ~/.config/UEVaultManager/

  • for Windows: C:\users\<you_login_name>\.config\UEVaultManager\

Config files

For the Cli Application settings

UEVaultManager supports some settings in its config file <config folder>/config.ini:

This is an example of this file content and the settings you can change:

;Set to True to start the Application in Edit mode (since v1.4.4) with the GUI
start_in_edit_mode = False
;Set to True to disable the automatic update check
disable_update_check = False
; Set to True to disable the notice about an available update on exit
disable_update_notice = False
; Create a backup of the output file (when using the --output option) suffixed by a timestamp before creating a new file
create_output_backup = True
; Set to True to create a backup of the log files that store asset analysis. It is suffixed by a timestamp
create_log_backup = True
; Set to True to print more information during long operations
verbose_mode = False
; File name (and path) to log issues with assets when running the list or scrap commands
; use "~/" at the start of the filename to store it relatively to the user directory
ignored_assets_filename_log = ~/.config/ignored_assets.log
notfound_assets_filename_log = ~/.config/notfound_assets.log
scan_assets_filename_log = ~/.config/scan_assets.log
scrap_assets_filename_log = ~/.config/scrap_assets.log
; Minimal unreal engine version to check for obsolete assets (default is 4.26)
engine_version_for_obsolete_assets = 4.26

For the GUI settings

Since version 1.6.0, UEVaultManager also supports some settings specific to the new GUI, in a config file <config folder>/config_gui.ini:

This is an example of this file content and the settings you can change:

;List of Folders to scan for assets. Their content will be added to the list
folders_to_scan = ["G:/Assets/pour UE/01 Acquis", "G:/Assets/pour UE/00 A trier"]
;Set to True to print debug information (GUI related only)
debug_mode = False
;Set to True to use multiple threads when scraping/grabbing data for UE assets
use_threads = True
;timeout in second when scraping several assets in once. This value should not be too low to limit timeout issues and scraping cancellation.
timeout_for_scraping = 30
;Number of grouped assets to scrap with one url. Since 2023-10-31 a value bigger than 75 will be refused by UE API
scraped_assets_per_page = 75
;Set to True to re-open the last file at startup if no input file is given
reopen_last_file = True
;Set to True to speed the update process by not updating the metadata files. FOR TESTING ONLY
never_update_data_files = False
;Set to True to enable cell coloring depending on its content.It could slow down data and display refreshing
use_colors_for_data = True
;Set to True to check and clean invalid asset folders when scraping or rebuilding data for UE assets
check_asset_folders = True
;Set to True to browse for a folder when adding a new row. If false, an empty row will be added
browse_when_add_row = True
;Number of Rows displayed or scraped per page.If this value is changed all the scraped files must be updated to match the new value
rows_per_page = 37
;Number of backup files version to keep in the folder for backups. The oldest will be deleted. Set to 0 to keep all the backups
backup_files_to_keep = 30
;Delay in seconds when image cache will be invalidated. Default value represent 15 days
image_cache_max_time = 1296000
;Folder (relative or absolute) to store images for assets
asset_images_folder = K:/UE/UEVM/asset_images
;Folder (relative or absolute) to store the scraped files for the assets in markeplace
scraping_folder = K:/UE/UEVM/scraping
;Folder (relative or absolute) to store result files to read and save data from
results_folder = K:/UE/UEVM/results
;Minimal score required when looking for an url file comparing to an asset name. MUST BE LOWERCASE
;minimal_fuzzy_score_by_name = {"default": 70, "brushify": 90, "elite_landscapes": 90, "realistic landscapes": 100, "girl modular": 90}
minimal_fuzzy_score_by_name = {"default": 70, "brushify": 90, "elite_landscapes": 90, "realistic landscapes": 100, "girl modular": 90, "mw dune desert landscape": 90}
;The name of the groups where the selected rows can be added to.
group_names = ["group1", "group2", "group3"]
;The name of the current group where the selected rows can be added to.
current_group_name = group2
;X position of the main windows. Set to 0 to center the window. Automatically saved on quit
x_pos = -1915
;Y position of the main windows. Set to 0 to center the window. Automatically saved on quit
y_pos = 13
;Width of the main windows. Automatically saved on quit
width = 1889
;Height of the main windows. Automatically saved on quit
height = 972
;File name of the last opened file. Automatically saved on quit
last_opened_file = K:\UE\UEVM\scraping\assets.db
;The last opened Folder name. Automatically saved when browsing a folder
last_opened_folder = G:\Assets\pour UE\02 Warez\Characters\Female\FurryS1 Fantasy Warrior
;The last opened project name. Automatically saved when browsing a project folder
last_opened_project = U:\UE_Big\UE_BigProjets\_EmptyForInstallTestsBBB
;The last opened Folder name. Automatically saved when browsing an engine folder
last_opened_engine = R:\UnrealEngine\UE_5.1
;The last opened filter file name.Automatically saved when loading a filter.Leave empty to load no filter at start.Contains the file name only, not the path
last_opened_filter = landscape_owned_or_local_not_brushify.json
;List of columns names that will be hidden when applying columns width. Note that the "Index_copy" will be hidden by default
hidden_column_names = ["Uid", "Release info"]
;Infos about columns of the table in SQLITE mode. Automatically saved on quit. Leave empty for default
;column_infos_sqlite = {"Owned": {"width": 57, "pos": 0}, "App name": {"width": 222, "pos": 1}, "Category": {"width": 112, "pos": 2}, "Comment": {"width": 265, "pos": 3}, "Description": {"width": 205, "pos": 4}, "Discount price": {"width": 61, "pos": 5}, "Origin": {"width": 641, "pos": 6}, "Tags": {"width": 228, "pos": 7}, "Discount percentage": {"width": 58, "pos": 8}, "Review": {"width": 54, "pos": 9}, "Discounted": {"width": 71, "pos": 10}, "Is new": {"width": 48, "pos": 11}, "Free": {"width": 44, "pos": 12}, "Obsolete": {"width": 62, "pos": 13}, "Must buy": {"width": 59, "pos": 14}, "Added manually": {"width": 44, "pos": 15}, "Grab result": {"width": 79, "pos": 16}, "Price": {"width": 50, "pos": 17}, "Asset_id": {"width": 174, "pos": 18}, "Review count": {"width": 83, "pos": 19}, "Can purchase": {"width": -1, "pos": 20}, "Status": {"width": 56, "pos": 21}, "Old price": {"width": 59, "pos": 22}, "Developer": {"width": -1, "pos": 23}, "Stars": {"width": 42, "pos": 24}, "Test result": {"width": 69, "pos": 25}, "Alternative": {"width": -1, "pos": 26}, "Custom attributes": {"width": 105, "pos": 27}, "Downloaded size": {"width": 82, "pos": 28}, "Page title": {"width": 161, "pos": 29}, "Image": {"width": 50, "pos": 30}, "Url": {"width": 44, "pos": 31}, "Date added": {"width": 75, "pos": 32}, "Creation date": {"width": 86, "pos": 33}, "Update date": {"width": 79, "pos": 34}, "Asset slug": {"width": 65, "pos": 35}, "Installed folders": {"width": 150, "pos": 36}, "Uid": {"width": 2, "pos": 37}, "Supported versions": {"width": 2, "pos": 38}, "Release info": {"width": 2, "pos": 39}, "Index copy": {"pos": 40, "width": 2}}
column_infos_sqlite = {"Owned": {"width": 57, "pos": 0}, "App name": {"width": 222, "pos": 1}, "Category": {"width": 112, "pos": 2}, "Comment": {"width": 212, "pos": 3}, "Description": {"width": 306, "pos": 4}, "Discount price": {"width": 61, "pos": 5}, "Origin": {"width": 255, "pos": 6}, "Tags": {"width": 228, "pos": 7}, "Discount percentage": {"width": 58, "pos": 8}, "Review": {"width": 54, "pos": 9}, "Discounted": {"width": 71, "pos": 10}, "Is new": {"width": 48, "pos": 11}, "Free": {"width": 44, "pos": 12}, "Obsolete": {"width": 62, "pos": 13}, "Must buy": {"width": 59, "pos": 14}, "Added manually": {"width": 44, "pos": 15}, "Grab result": {"width": 79, "pos": 16}, "Price": {"width": 50, "pos": 17}, "Asset_id": {"width": 174, "pos": 18}, "Review count": {"width": 83, "pos": 19}, "Can purchase": {"width": -1, "pos": 20}, "Status": {"width": 56, "pos": 21}, "Old price": {"width": 59, "pos": 22}, "Developer": {"width": -1, "pos": 23}, "Stars": {"width": 42, "pos": 24}, "Test result": {"width": 69, "pos": 25}, "Alternative": {"width": -1, "pos": 26}, "Custom attributes": {"width": 105, "pos": 27}, "Downloaded size": {"width": 82, "pos": 28}, "Page title": {"width": 161, "pos": 29}, "Image": {"width": 50, "pos": 30}, "Url": {"width": 44, "pos": 31}, "Date added": {"width": 75, "pos": 32}, "Creation date": {"width": 86, "pos": 33}, "Update date": {"width": 79, "pos": 34}, "Asset slug": {"width": 65, "pos": 35}, "Installed folders": {"width": 150, "pos": 36}, "Uid": {"width": 2, "pos": 37}, "Supported versions": {"width": 2, "pos": 38}, "Release info": {"width": 2, "pos": 39}, "Index copy": {"pos": 40, "width": 2}}
;Infos about columns of the table in FILE mode. Automatically saved on quit. Leave empty for default
column_infos_file = {"Owned": {"width": 57, "pos": 0}, "App name": {"width": 222, "pos": 1}, "Category": {"width": 112, "pos": 2}, "Comment": {"width": 265, "pos": 3}, "Description": {"width": 205, "pos": 4}, "Discount price": {"width": 61, "pos": 5}, "Origin": {"width": 311, "pos": 6}, "Tags": {"width": 228, "pos": 7}, "Discount percentage": {"width": 58, "pos": 8}, "Review": {"width": 54, "pos": 9}, "Discounted": {"width": 71, "pos": 10}, "Is new": {"width": 48, "pos": 11}, "Free": {"width": 44, "pos": 12}, "Obsolete": {"width": 62, "pos": 13}, "Must buy": {"width": 59, "pos": 14}, "Added manually": {"width": 44, "pos": 15}, "Grab result": {"width": 79, "pos": 16}, "Price": {"width": 50, "pos": 17}, "Asset_id": {"width": 174, "pos": 18}, "Review count": {"width": 83, "pos": 19}, "Can purchase": {"width": -1, "pos": 20}, "Status": {"width": 56, "pos": 21}, "Old price": {"width": 59, "pos": 22}, "Developer": {"width": -1, "pos": 23}, "Stars": {"width": 42, "pos": 24}, "Test result": {"width": 69, "pos": 25}, "Alternative": {"width": -1, "pos": 26}, "Custom attributes": {"width": 105, "pos": 27}, "Downloaded size": {"width": 82, "pos": 28}, "Page title": {"width": 161, "pos": 29}, "Image": {"width": 50, "pos": 30}, "Url": {"width": 44, "pos": 31}, "Date added": {"width": 75, "pos": 32}, "Creation date": {"width": 86, "pos": 33}, "Update date": {"width": 79, "pos": 34}, "Asset slug": {"width": 65, "pos": 35}, "Installed folders": {"width": 150, "pos": 36}, "Uid": {"width": 2, "pos": 37}, "Supported versions": {"width": 2, "pos": 38}, "Release info": {"width": 2, "pos": 39}, "App title": {"width": 52, "pos": 40}, "urlSlug": {"width": 2, "pos": 41}, "Index copy": {"pos": 42, "width": 2}}
;DEV ONLY. NO CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Column name to sort the assets from the database followed by ASC or DESC (optional).
;assets_order_col = asset_id ASC
assets_order_col = date_added DESC
;DEV ONLY. NO CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Value that can be changed in live to switch some behaviours whithout quitting.
testing_switch = 0

Note that some other settings for the new GUI are managed by a dedicated python file <python install folder>/<source folder of the package>/tkgui/modules/

For instance, the location is:

  • for Linux: ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/UEVaultManager/tkgui/modules/

  • for Windows: c:\python3.10\site-packages\UEVaultManager\tkgui\modules\

The final path can depend on your installation.