Output Format and file

Log files and debug

3 different log files could be used during the process Use the config file to set their file name (and path). If a file name is missing, empty or set to ‘’ the corresponding log feature will be disabled.

  • ignored assets file log

    • file is defined by the setting: ignored_assets_filename_log (default is ~/.config/ignored_assets.log)

    • each asset listed in the file has been ignored during the process. Possible reasons are: asset filtered by category (list with -fc option)

  • not found assets log

    • file is defined by the setting: notfound_assets_filename_log (default is ~/.config/notfound_assets.log)

    • each asset listed in the file has not been found during the scraping process. Possible reasons are: invalid url, obsolete or removed from the marketplace

  • folder scanning for assets log

    • file is defined by the setting: scan_assets_filename_log (default is ~/.config/scan_assets_filename_log.log)

    • each scanned folder is listed here whith the result of the scan

  • assets scraping log

    • file is defined by the setting: scrap_assets_filename_log (default is ~/.config/scan_assets.log)

    • each scraped asset is listed here whith the result of the scan

The output file

The result of the listing can be displayed on the console where the application has been launched. This is done by default. But it can also be saved in a csv or a json file for a future use.

The script use a (hardcoded) boolean value to know if the content of the field is protected and must be preserved before overwriting an existing output file.

This feature goal is to avoid overwriting data that could have been manually changed by the user in the output file between successive runs. As it, if the user manually change the content of some data in the file, by adding a comment for instance, this data WON’T be overwritten. Also Note that if create_output_backup = true is set in the config file, the application will create a backup of the output file suffixed by a timestamp before overwriting the result file.

These are the fields (or column headings) that will be written in that order into the CSV file (or the names of the fields ins the Json file). The value is False if its content is not preserved, and True if it is preserved (and can be used to store persistant data).

These value are defined by the csv_sql_fields variable at the beginning of the core.py file:

csv_sql_fields = {
    # fields mapping from csv to sql
    # key: csv field name, value: {sql name, state }
    # some field are intentionnaly duplicated because
    #   several CSV fields could come from a same database field
    #   a csv field with this name must exist to get the value
    'Asset_id': {
        'sql_name': 'asset_id',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'App name': {
        'sql_name': 'title',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'App title': {
        # intentionnaly duplicated
        'sql_name': 'title',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Category': {
        'sql_name': 'category',
        'state': CSVFieldState.CHANGED,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.LIST
    'Review': {
        'sql_name': 'review',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.FLOAT
    'Review count': {
        # not in "standard/result" csv file
        'sql_name': 'review_count',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.INT
    'Developer': {
        'sql_name': 'author',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Description': {
        'sql_name': 'description',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.TEXT
    'Status': {
        'sql_name': 'status',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Discount price': {
        'sql_name': 'discount_price',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.FLOAT
    'Discount percentage': {
        'sql_name': 'discount_percentage',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.INT
    'Discounted': {
        'sql_name': 'discounted',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Is new': {
        # not in "standard/result" csv file
        'sql_name': 'is_new',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Free': {
        # not in "standard/result" csv file
        'sql_name': 'free',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Can purchase': {
        # not in "standard/result" csv file
        'sql_name': 'can_purchase',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Owned': {
        'sql_name': 'owned',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Obsolete': {
        'sql_name': 'obsolete',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Supported versions': {
        'sql_name': 'supported_versions',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Grab result': {
        'sql_name': 'grab_result',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.LIST
    'Price': {
        'sql_name': 'price',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.FLOAT
    'Old price': {
        'sql_name': 'old_price',
        'state': CSVFieldState.CHANGED,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.FLOAT
    # ## User Fields
    'Comment': {
        'sql_name': 'comment',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.TEXT
    'Stars': {
        'sql_name': 'stars',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.INT
    'Must buy': {
        'sql_name': 'must_buy',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Test result': {
        'sql_name': 'test_result',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Installed folders': {
        'sql_name': 'installed_folders',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Alternative': {
        'sql_name': 'alternative',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Origin': {
        'sql_name': 'origin',
        'state': CSVFieldState.CHANGED,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Added manually': {
        'sql_name': 'added_manually',
        'state': CSVFieldState.USER,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    # ## less important fields
    'Custom attributes': {
        # not in "standard/result" csv file
        'sql_name': 'custom_attributes',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Page title': {
        'sql_name': 'page_title',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Image': {
        'sql_name': 'thumbnail_url',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Url': {
        'sql_name': 'asset_url',
        'state': CSVFieldState.CHANGED,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Compatible versions': {
        # not in database
        'sql_name': None,
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Date added': {
        'sql_name': 'date_added',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.DATETIME
    'Creation date': {
        'sql_name': 'creation_date',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.DATETIME
    'Update date': {
        'sql_name': 'update_date',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.DATETIME
    'UE version': {
        # not in database
        'sql_name': None,
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Uid': {
        'sql_name': 'id',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    # ## UE asset class field only
    'Namespace': {
        'sql_name': 'namespace',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Catalog itemid': {
        'sql_name': 'catalog_item_id',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Asset slug': {
        'sql_name': 'asset_slug',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Currency code': {
        'sql_name': 'currency_code',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Technical details': {
        'sql_name': 'technical_details',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Long description': {
        'sql_name': 'long_description',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.TEXT
    'Tags': {
        'sql_name': 'tags',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Comment rating id': {
        'sql_name': 'comment_rating_id',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Rating id': {
        'sql_name': 'rating_id',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Is catalog item': {
        'sql_name': 'is_catalog_item',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.BOOL
    'Thumbnail': {
        # intentionnaly duplicated
        'sql_name': 'thumbnail_url',
        'state': CSVFieldState.ASSET_ONLY,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Release info': {
        'sql_name': 'release_info',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR
    'Downloaded size': {
        'sql_name': 'downloaded_size',
        'state': CSVFieldState.NORMAL,
        'field_type': CSVFieldType.STR

The individual json files

Each asset will also have its data saved in to different json files:

  • for the all the assets available in the marketplace (including the owned ones):

  • the folder <Scraping folder>/assets: contains a json file for each asset (identified by its asset_id is the asset has one) to store its metadata (get from a call to the epic API). The <Scraping folder> can be set in the <config folder>/config_gui.ini configuration file

  • for the assets OWNED by the user

  • the folder <Scraping folder>/owned: contains a json file for each asset (identified by its asset_id is the asset has one) to store its metadata (get from a call to the epic API). The <Scraping folder> can be set in the <config folder>/config_gui.ini configuration file

how to fix invalid search result during the scraping process

The INDIVIDUAL scraping process (i.e. click on the “Scrap” or “Scrap range” buttons some a text based search (partial and case-insensitive) can be used if the url of the asset is invalid. By default, only the first result of this search is taken as the corresponding asset. When the asset name, which must be converted to be used as a search keyword, is ambiguous,the search could provide several results or even a wrong result (an asset that don’t correspond).

So, in that case, the asset page that is analyzed could be the bad one and grabbed data could be taken for the wrong asset.

To limit this error, a text comparison is done between the asset title in the metadata and the title in the asset page. If the values are different, its Grab Result field will contain a value different from NO_ERROR. Each value correspond to a specific status code (see possible values in the error Field)

To fix that, the search of the correct url for the asset must be done and validated manually.

Once validated, the correct URL could be added into the result file, inside the Url field. As this field is marked as USER, it won’t be overwritten on the next data update and will be used as a source url for the page to be grabbed instead of making a new search for the asset page.

Please Note that the user is responsable for respecting the attended format of the result file when modifying its content. Breaking its structure will probably result in losing the data the user has modified in the file when the application will be executed next time.

Making a backup before any manual modification is certainly a good idea. Using a tool (e.g. a linter) to check if the structure of the file (json or CSV) is still correct before running the application again is also a very good idea.

possible values in the error Field

The Grab result field of each asset contains a value that indicate how the process has run. These code are defined by the following enum at the beginning of the api/egs.py file:

class GrabResult(Enum):
   NO_ERROR = 0
   TIMEOUT = 4
   PARTIAL = 5  # when asset has been added when owned asset data only (less complete that "standard" asset data)
   NO_APPID = 6  # no appid found in the data (will produce a file name like '_no_appId_asset_1e10acc0cca34d5c8ff7f0ab57e7f89f
   NO_RESPONSE = 7  # the url does not return HTTP 200